"Battle of Winchester, VA., March 23rd, 1862- decisive bayonet charge of the Federal troops, led by General Tyler. The contest raged furiously till three o'clock in the afternoon, the fighting being done chiefly by the artillery and the musketry, at a range of not more than three or four hundred yards, and often much less. The Confederate infantry opposite the right now debouched from the woods, and attempted to capture Doan's battery by a charge. The first effort was nearly successful, but the heavy discharge of grape compelled them to retire in confusion. A second and weaker attempt likewise failed, and the enemy fell back, with heavy loss, behind the stone parapet. General Tyler then ordered his brigade to charge the enemy's batteries on the left, and a most deadly encounter followed. Twice the Federals reeled under storm; but in the third effort they routed the Confederates with tremendous slaughter, amid loud cheering, capturing two of their guns and four caissons." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Winchester

"Battle of Winchester, VA., March 23rd, 1862- decisive bayonet charge of the Federal troops, led by…