(1770-1827) German composer whose most famous works are his Fifth and Ninth symphonies and Moonlight Sonata.

Ludwig von Beethoven

(1770-1827) German composer whose most famous works are his Fifth and Ninth symphonies and Moonlight…

(1756-1791) German composer of the Classical era. Some of his most famous works are The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, The Magic Flute, Requiem, Twelfth Mass, and Ave Verum.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

(1756-1791) German composer of the Classical era. Some of his most famous works are The Marriage of…

(1813-1883) German composer most famous for Rienzi and The Flying Dutchman.

Wilhelm Richard Wagner

(1813-1883) German composer most famous for Rienzi and The Flying Dutchman.