The word convex means curving out or bulging outward.


The word convex means curving out or bulging outward.

"Let S be the Sun, E the Earth, and A, B, C, D, F, the Moon in different parts of her orbit. Now when the Moon changes, or is in conjunction with the Sun, as at A, her dark side is turned towards the Earth, and she is invisible, as represented at a. The Sun always shines on one half of the Moon, in every direction, as represented at A and B, on the inner circle; but we at the Earth can see only such portions of the enlightened part as are turned towards us. After her change, when she has moved from A to B, a small part of her illuminated side comes in sight, and she appears horned, as at b, and is then called the new Moon. When she arrives at C, severel days afterwards, one half of her disc is visible, and she appears as at c, her appearance being the same in both circles. At this point she is said to be in her first quarter, because she has passed through a quarter of her orbit, and is 90 degrees from the place of her conjunction with the Sun. At D, she shows us still more of her enlightened side, and is then said to appear gibbous as at d. When she comes to F, her whole enlightened side is turned towards the Earth, and she appears in all the spendor of a full Moon." —Comstock, 1850

Moon Phases

"Let S be the Sun, E the Earth, and A, B, C, D, F, the Moon in different parts of her orbit. Now when…