The flower heads of globularia alypum are pale and grow at the end of the stems. The stem is shrubby. This shrub grows to be two feet tall.

Flower Head of Globularia Alypum

The flower heads of globularia alypum are pale and grow at the end of the stems. The stem is shrubby.…

Pictured are flowers of the orders martyniaceae, gesneriaceae, lentibulariaceae, and globulariaceae. The flowers illustrated are (1) martynia, (2) gesneria, (3) achimenes, (4) utricularia, (5) globularia, and (6) cockburnia.

Orders of Martyniaceae, Gesneriaceae, Lentibulariaceae, and Globulariaceae

Pictured are flowers of the orders martyniaceae, gesneriaceae, lentibulariaceae, and globulariaceae.…