A gold box presented to William Bainbridge by the city of Albany.

Gold Box Presented to Bainbridge by the City of Albany

A gold box presented to William Bainbridge by the city of Albany.

A gold box presented to William Bainbridge by the city of New York.

Gold Box Presented to Bainbridge by the City of New York

A gold box presented to William Bainbridge by the city of New York.

The gold box presented to Major Robert Anderson for his command of Fort Sumter during the American Civil War.

Gold Box Presented to Anderson

The gold box presented to Major Robert Anderson for his command of Fort Sumter during the American Civil…

"A box for holding snuff, especially one small enough to be carried in the pocket. When it was customary to take snuff, as in the eighteenth century, a snuff-box was a common present, whether of good will or ceremony. On this account, and for personal display, these boxes were often made of the most costly materials, highly finished portraits were set in their lids, and settings of diamonds or pearls were not unknown." —Whitney, 1889
<p>A snuff box with encrusted enamel and an enamel portrait.

Golden Snuff Box from the 18th Century

"A box for holding snuff, especially one small enough to be carried in the pocket. When it was customary…