"Passer domesticus, House Sparrow, The sexes may be similarly coloured or very different, the hues being commonly sober, but sometimes particularly brilliant. The feet are usually dull... the bill may be blackish, yellowish, dusky, or even red." A. H. Evans, 1900

Two House Sparrows, One Looking Down, One looking Straight, Sitting on the Top and Edge of a Structure

"Passer domesticus, House Sparrow, The sexes may be similarly coloured or very different, the hues being…

"Pyromelaena flammiceps, the Weaver-birds, the coloration of these rather small birds is most striking, though the females are usually duller than the males, which have in some cases a sober winter garb.:" A. H. Evans, 1900. Plumage is usually red, yellow, and black in color.


"Pyromelaena flammiceps, the Weaver-birds, the coloration of these rather small birds is most striking,…