Balm, more properly known as balsam, is a gum derived from the balsam-tree. It was considered valuable in the healing of external wounds.
<p>Is there no balm in Gilead? is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered? Jeremiah 8:22 ASV


Balm, more properly known as balsam, is a gum derived from the balsam-tree. It was considered valuable…

"Myrrh, is the name given to a gum resin which exudes from a shrub growing in Arabia and Abyssinia, called Balsamodendron Myrrha. It was much esteemed as an unguent and perfume by the ancients, who used it also for embalming and for incense. it is still used as a perfume and for incense, as also medicinally. By distillation with water myrrh yields a viscid, brownish-green, volatile oil. Myrrh of the best quality is known as Turkey murrh; that of an inferior kind goes under the name of East Indian, being exported from Bombay." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919


"Myrrh, is the name given to a gum resin which exudes from a shrub growing in Arabia and Abyssinia,…

This is the chicle fruit known to be used in the process of creating bubble gum.

Fruiting Sapodilla

This is the chicle fruit known to be used in the process of creating bubble gum.