"1. A drag or dray without wheels, but mounted on runners, for the conveyance of loads over frozen snow or ice, or over mud or the bare ground, as in transporting logs and heavy stones. Also sledge. 2. A pair of runners connected by a framework, used (sometimes with another pair) to carry loads or support the body of a vehicle, or, when of lighter build and supporting a light platform or seat, in the sport of coasting and for drawing light loads by hand." —Whitney, 1889
<p>Illustration of a hand sled with a platform atop it and a rope with which to be pulled by a human or animal. Traditionally, these are not meant to be ridden, but used to convey materials.

Hand Sled or Sledge

"1. A drag or dray without wheels, but mounted on runners, for the conveyance of loads over frozen snow…

"A pair of runners connected by a framework, used (sometimes with another pair) to carry loads or support the body of a vehicle, or, when of lighter build and supporting a light platform or seat, in the sport of coasting and for drawing light loads by hand." &mdash;Whitney, 1889
<p>This illustration is of a hand sled. Unlike bobsleds, these sleds are not meant to be ridden. Instead, they are pulled by a person or animal, using the rope. The sleds transport materials.

Hand Sled

"A pair of runners connected by a framework, used (sometimes with another pair) to carry loads or support…