"Aorta: a, ascending arch of aorta; ss, coronary arteries; b', innominata artery; b, right subelavian;…
"Diagram of the principal vessels in the circulation of a fish, ventral view. a, aorta; au., auricle;…
Diagram of two hepatic lobules of the liver. "The left hand lobule is represented with the intralobular…
The under surface of the liver. Labels: d, right, and s, left lobe; Vh, hepatic vein; Vp, portal vein;…
Lobules of the liver (1), which are small, granular-looking bodies, of polygonal shape, and about 1/20…
Lobule of rabbit's liver, vessels and bile ducts injected. Labels: a, central or intralobular vein;…
Vessels of the liver. Labels: (1) portal canals, (2) interlobular plexus, (3), lobular veins, (4), intralobular…