Detached hoof- supero-lateral view. Labels: a, crust or outer layer of the wall; b, horny laminae; c, superior border; d, cutigeral groove; e, inner surface of sole; f, inner surface of frog; f', frog-stay.

Hoof of a Horse

Detached hoof- supero-lateral view. Labels: a, crust or outer layer of the wall; b, horny laminae; c,…

Solar aspect of the hoof. Labels: a, bars; b, solar border of wall; c, line of union between wall and sole; d, inferior aspect of sole; d', d, posterior branches of sole; e, cleft of the frog; f, bulbs of the frog; g, point of the frog.

Hoof of a Horse

Solar aspect of the hoof. Labels: a, bars; b, solar border of wall; c, line of union between wall and…

A horse's foot perfectly shod.

Horse's Foot

A horse's foot perfectly shod.