The balloon was designed for navigation of the air.


The balloon was designed for navigation of the air.

A hot air balloon on the ground surrounded by men.

Hot Air Balloon

A hot air balloon on the ground surrounded by men.

A hot air balloon encased with a net, mid flight.

Hot Air Balloon

A hot air balloon encased with a net, mid flight.

Hot, expanding air bubbles through the water.

Hot air experiment

Hot, expanding air bubbles through the water.

The first hot air balloon. It was invented by the Montgolfier brothers, Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Etienne.

Montgolfier's Balloon

The first hot air balloon. It was invented by the Montgolfier brothers, Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Etienne.

This is a drawing of a hot air balloon voyage. The hot air balloon is made up of a balloon bag that holds hot air, and a wicker basket that hangs at the bottom that carries passengers.

Balloon Voyage

This is a drawing of a hot air balloon voyage. The hot air balloon is made up of a balloon bag that…