"A transverse section through the valve casing of a double-column hammer, used for heavy forge work."—Finley,…
"A section through the valve casing of a double-column hammer, fitted with a valve v provided with three…
"A vertical section through the valve casing of a double-column hammer, used for heavy forge work."—Finley,…
"Formerly, all nails were hand made, by forging on an anvil; and vast quantities are still made in this…
This illustration shows a light inverted bow-string girder, as well as a section.
The Great Seal of the State of Utah, 1896. The seal shows a bald eagle holding a shield. The shield…
The magnificent vase is made out of gold, jewels and enamel. The vase cover represents the United Kingdom,…
The Seal of the State of West Virginia. This seal depicts two men representing agriculture and industry…