"Fig. 1, Monads; 2, Forms assumed by the Ameoba; 3, Flask Animalcules, Enchelis; 4, Actinophrys sol; 5, Euglena viridis ; 6, Gonium pectorale; 7, Trachelias anas ; 8, Paramecium aurelia ; 9, Navicula; 10, Vibrie Spirillum; 11, Vorticella Stentor" — Goodrich, 1859

Forms of the animalcules, magnified

"Fig. 1, Monads; 2, Forms assumed by the Ameoba; 3, Flask Animalcules, Enchelis; 4, Actinophrys sol;…

Infusoria is an obsolete collective term for minute aquatic creatures like ciliates, euglenoids, protozoa, and unicellular algae that exist in freshwater ponds. The first type exists in the common fresh-water organism known as Euglena. The spindle-shaped body is surrounded by a delicate cuticle perforated at one point, where a funnel-shaped depression, the gullet, leads into the soft protoplasmic interior. From the base of this depression the protoplasm is drawn out in the form of a delicate ship-like process known as the flagellum. Shown here is Flagellate Infusoria (fig 8A); (c) pulsating vacuole; (e) eye-spot; (g) gullet; (n) nucleus; (t) flagellum.

Flagellate Infusoria

Infusoria is an obsolete collective term for minute aquatic creatures like ciliates, euglenoids, protozoa,…

Infusoria is an obsolete collective term for minute aquatic creatures like ciliates, euglenoids, protozoa, and unicellular algae that exist in freshwater ponds. In modern formal classifications the microorganisms previously included in the Infusoria are mostly assigned to the Kingdom Protista.


Infusoria is an obsolete collective term for minute aquatic creatures like ciliates, euglenoids, protozoa,…