Carved Anglo-Norman anthemion from Hereford Cathedral.


Carved Anglo-Norman anthemion from Hereford Cathedral.

Carved interlace "trumpet" pattern.

Carved Interlace Pattern

Carved interlace "trumpet" pattern.

Carved interlace pattern.

Carved Interlace Pattern

Carved interlace pattern.

Carved interlace pattern.

Carved Interlace Pattern

Carved interlace pattern.

Carved interlace pattern.

Carved Interlace Pattern

Carved interlace pattern.

Interlace pattern from a Celtic cross at Ruthwell, Ireland


Interlace pattern from a Celtic cross at Ruthwell, Ireland

Interlace pattern from a Celtic cross at Mugle, Ireland


Interlace pattern from a Celtic cross at Mugle, Ireland

South cross at Aheny, Ireland


South cross at Aheny, Ireland

"O" from a Celtic manuscript.

O, Initial

"O" from a Celtic manuscript.

"P" from a the Book of Kells.

P, Initial

"P" from a the Book of Kells.

"Q" from a Celtic manuscript

Q, Initial

"Q" from a Celtic manuscript

"S" from a Celtic manuscript.

S, Initial

"S" from a Celtic manuscript.