James Bennett (New York Herald Editor) and President Grant parodied as "where there is an evil" (Caesarism…
James Bennett (New York Herald Editor) parodied as Nick Bottom from A Midsummer Night's Dream…
James Bennett (New York Herald Editor) contemplates more attacks on President Grant: "If Grant isn't…
The Liberal Republican Party at the Cincinnati Convention, in a Pickwickian Sense.
President Grant denies his ambitions for a Third Term. "A blighting effect of the President's message."
President Ulysses S. Grant being made the scapegoat for continuing corruption. "The crowning insult…
President Ulysses S. Grant shows his reluctance to take up a third term, "and they say, 'he wants a…
President Grant vetoes the 1874 Inflation Bill, bottling the Genie of Butler.
President Grant's Caesarism image appears to New York Herald Editor Bennett again.
President Grant's Civil Service Reform is not to the liking of either party, despite enthusiasm.
President Grant's proposed Civil Service Reform not to the taste of certain Senators.
Horace Greeley's Liberal Republicans attempt to steal President Grant's policies (pants).
New York Tribune joins New York Herald on the third term hobby horse of anti-Grant editorials.
Carl Schurz attempts to discredit President Grant over the sale of arms to France.
Charles Sumner accuses President Grant of nepotism in the "Battle-cry of Sumner."
Charles Sumner's denunciation of President Grant's fall flat on the Republican Party.