"Rana esculenta. The brain. A, from above; B, from below. ch. opt, optic chiasma; HH, cerebellum; Hyp, pituitary body; Inf, infundibulum; L. ol, olfactory lobe; Med, spinal cord; MH, mid-brain; NH, medulla oblongata; Th. opt, optic thalamus; Tr. opt, optic tract; VH, cerebral hemisphere; ZH, diencephalon; I-X, cerebral nerves; XII. (1), hypoglossal (first spinal) nerve." -Parker, 1900

Edible Frog Brain

"Rana esculenta. The brain. A, from above; B, from below. ch. opt, optic chiasma; HH, cerebellum; Hyp,…