"This foolish, wayward youth, on mischief bent, / Disturbs a hive - this fun, he'll soon repent; / The bees fly quickly out, they sting him sore, / He wisdom learns, and touches bees no more. / The other boy, at a safe distance, more wise, / Sees trouble brewing - from the spot he flies."—Barber, 1857

Experience Teaches

"This foolish, wayward youth, on mischief bent, / Disturbs a hive - this fun, he'll soon repent; / The…

"A burnt child dreads the fire." -Trowbridge, 1866

Lesson Rebus

"A burnt child dreads the fire." -Trowbridge, 1866

A young lobster cracked his tooth on a clam, learning a hard lesson.

Lobster Lesson

A young lobster cracked his tooth on a clam, learning a hard lesson.

A teacher in front of her classroom.


A teacher in front of her classroom.

A tutor is seated in a chair as he talks to his young female student. The tutor is wearing pince-nez style glasses and gesturing with his left hand to make a point. Perhaps he is admonishing the young girl because she has her head tilted down and looks sad. The girl holds a book, while other books are strewn on the floor.

Girl with Tutor

A tutor is seated in a chair as he talks to his young female student. The tutor is wearing pince-nez…