A, Three colored blood corpuscles. B, Three colorless blood corpuscles acted on by acetic acid; the nuclei are very clearly visible.

Colorless and Colored Blood Corpuscles

A, Three colored blood corpuscles. B, Three colorless blood corpuscles acted on by acetic acid; the…

Macrophages containing bacilli and other structures supposed to be undergoing digestion.


Macrophages containing bacilli and other structures supposed to be undergoing digestion.

"1. Trypanosoma gambiense, showing nucleus, blepharoplast, and flagellum. 2 and 3. Individuals undergoing longitudinal fission. 4. Leucocyte engulfing a trypanosome." -Thomson, 1916

Trypanosoma Gambiense

"1. Trypanosoma gambiense, showing nucleus, blepharoplast, and flagellum. 2 and 3. Individuals undergoing…