A vessel, with a swelling belly and narrow mouth; a large earthen or stone bottle.


A vessel, with a swelling belly and narrow mouth; a large earthen or stone bottle.

A pint cup used for measuring liquids. 2 pints equal 1 quart.


A pint cup used for measuring liquids. 2 pints equal 1 quart.

"The tightly fitted piston at the top of a glass vessel of water is driven down. The contained liquid is compressed and the pressure equally distributed through the glass and the water flows out of the tubes along the sides." —Quackenbos 1859

Pressure of Liquids

"The tightly fitted piston at the top of a glass vessel of water is driven down. The contained liquid…

"A glass vessel used to separate liquids which differ in specific gravity and are not miscible." -Whitney, 1911


"A glass vessel used to separate liquids which differ in specific gravity and are not miscible." -Whitney,…