"Casuarina female; 2. male; 3. male flower; 4. female flower; 5. the ripe valves of the calyx, from…
The Kentucky Coffeetree (Gymnocladus dioicus) is a tree in the Fabaceae family of legumes. It was also…
The common name of fagus sylvatica is common beech. The male flowers have drooping heads. The female…
"Cambogia gutta. 1. a female flower, with the sterile stamens surrounding the pistil; 2. a male flower;…
"Gingko biloba, or Salisburia adiantifolia. a, branchlet with male flowers." -Whitney, 1911
"Hedycarya dentata. 1. male flower; 2. female ditto; 3. section of carpel; 4. ripe fruit." -Lindley,…
"Humulus Lupulus. 1. male flower; 2. female; 3. section of ovary; 4. ripe fruit; 5. section of it, showing…
"Lardizabala triternata. 1. petals and stamens of male flower; 2. carpels; 3. fruit of a Lardizabala;…
Pictured are the male and female flowers on the lateral growth of a melon plant. The male flowers are…
"Cocculus macrocarpus. 1. male flower; 2. a petal and stamen; 3. a cluster of fruit; 4. seed; 5. section…
"Morus alba. 1. A male flower; 2. clusters of females; 3. a female flower separate; 4. the same with…
An illustration of a male flower of the osage-orange plant. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or Bois D'Arc…
"Inflorescence of Chamaerops humilis, in its spathe; 2. a portion of the same, with the fruit ripening;…
"Fortunaea chinensis; 1. a female cone; 2. ripe nut; 3. perpendicular section of do.; 4. female flower;…
"Pangium edule. 1. a male flower; 2. an ovary with its sterile stamens; 3. a cross section of an ovary;…
The Florida Rosemary: "Ceratiola ericoides. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a view of the ovary, with…
"Smilax glycyphylla; 1. a male flower seen from above; 2. a female flower; 3. a transverse section of…
"Branch of Simarouba amara, with female flowers. a, a male flower; b, a female flower." -Whitney, 1911
"Flowering plant of sanicle (Sanicula marilandica). (a), a male flower; (b), the fruit." -Whitney, 1911
Sweet gum is the common name of liquidambar styraciflua. The number 1 represents the female flower.…
"Tonina fluviatilis. 1. male flower; 2. centre of do.; 3. female and male flowers; 4. section of ripe…
"Batis maritima. 1. a male cone; 2. a male flower; 3. the same forced open to show the petals; 4. on…