"Sections of types Coelenterates (diagrammatic): 1 (longitudinal) and 2 (transverse) of a tubular hydroid; 3, Sea Anemone (longitudinal); 4, same (transverse, at the level of the upper dotted line); 5, same (transverse section of same at the level of the dotted line. The continuous line is ectoderm, the broken line, entoderm, and the stippled portion, mesenchyma. c.c., circular canal; g, gullet; g.v., gastro-vascular cavity; m, mouth; ma., manubrium; mes., mesentery; mes.1, directive mesentery; o, ostium; r.c., radial canal; t, tentacle; v, velum." -Galloway, 1915


"Sections of types Coelenterates (diagrammatic): 1 (longitudinal) and 2 (transverse) of a tubular hydroid;…

"A medusoid; ma., manubrium; r.c., radial canal; s., sense-organ." -Thomson, 1916


"A medusoid; ma., manubrium; r.c., radial canal; s., sense-organ." -Thomson, 1916

"Structure of a Medusoid. ST., Stomach; M., manubrium; V., velum; T., tentacle; C.C., circumference canal; G., gonad; R.C., radial canal; EN., endoderm; EC., ectoderm; MG, mesogloea." -Thomson, 1916

Medusoid Structure

"Structure of a Medusoid. ST., Stomach; M., manubrium; V., velum; T., tentacle; C.C., circumference…

Side view of sternum.

Side View of Sternum

Side view of sternum.

The bony thorax, anterior view.

Anterior View of Bony Thorax

The bony thorax, anterior view.