Once a popular fad, these fruits can be pickled and used in lieu of cucumber pickles.


Once a popular fad, these fruits can be pickled and used in lieu of cucumber pickles.

The capsules of martynia lutea flowers are similar to the fruit of cherries or plums. The capsule has an outer skin, a pulpy middle layer, and a hard inner shell enclosing a seed. The capsule terminates in two curved beaks or hooks.

Fruit of Martynia Lutea

The capsules of martynia lutea flowers are similar to the fruit of cherries or plums. The capsule has…

Martynia proboscidea flowers have a yellowish white tube that is variegated with green, yellow, and violet spots and lines. The limb is wide and pale violet marked with yellow and violet dots and lines.

Habit and Detached Portion of Inflorescence of Martynia Proboscidea

Martynia proboscidea flowers have a yellowish white tube that is variegated with green, yellow, and…

Pictured are flowers of the orders martyniaceae, gesneriaceae, lentibulariaceae, and globulariaceae. The flowers illustrated are (1) martynia, (2) gesneria, (3) achimenes, (4) utricularia, (5) globularia, and (6) cockburnia.

Orders of Martyniaceae, Gesneriaceae, Lentibulariaceae, and Globulariaceae

Pictured are flowers of the orders martyniaceae, gesneriaceae, lentibulariaceae, and globulariaceae.…