A squirrel sitting on a branch of a tree looking upon various addition problems.

Addition Tree

A squirrel sitting on a branch of a tree looking upon various addition problems.

This chart of comparisons can be used with the following questions: "Which line is twice B? Which two added make H? Which line is the difference between F and D? Call A 5; name the others. Call A 6, and name the others." -Foster, 1921

Comparisons Chart

This chart of comparisons can be used with the following questions: "Which line is twice B? Which two…

This diagram represents a student's thinking and progress in math. The image on the left is concrete thinking, counting each dot. The right is symbolic thinking, a digit represents the number of dots.

Concrete to Symbol

This diagram represents a student's thinking and progress in math. The image on the left is concrete…

"A cord of wood is a solidly built pile of 8 feet long, 4 feet wide and 4 feet high. 1. How many cords, stove-wood measure, each stick 12 inches long, could be made from a full-sized cord of wood? 2. If the full cord as pictured above is bought for $3.00 and sawed into stove lengths as in problem (1) and sold for $1.25 a cord, what is the profit? 3. If 6 hours' time was required to saw this wood, and labor cost 25 cents per hour, was there anything gained on the transaction?" -Foster, 1921

Cord of Wood

"A cord of wood is a solidly built pile of 8 feet long, 4 feet wide and 4 feet high. 1. How many cords,…

A girl doing math problems on the chalkboard.


A girl doing math problems on the chalkboard.

Students work on math in front of the class using an early abacus and writing on the chalkboard.

Math Class

Students work on math in front of the class using an early abacus and writing on the chalkboard.

Three students use measuring tape to measure the school garden outside.

Measuring Garden

Three students use measuring tape to measure the school garden outside.

The circle of multiples can be used as a practice game in class. The outside ring are multiples and the inner ring are factors. n represents the other factor. The teacher points to a set of numbers and students replace n with the other factor. For instance, if 72 is chosen, 8 is the factor, and n would be 9.


The circle of multiples can be used as a practice game in class. The outside ring are multiples and…

This set of numbers is used by a teacher to help the students practice adding numbers in columns. After they have mastered two numbers, the chart can be pulled down to show columns of three numbers to add and so on.

Roller Chart

This set of numbers is used by a teacher to help the students practice adding numbers in columns. After…

A teacher helps students do math with a sand table, a predecessor to the abacus.

Sand Table

A teacher helps students do math with a sand table, a predecessor to the abacus.

A teacher watches a group of students weighing apples and writing out measurement problems on the chalkboard.

Weighing Apples

A teacher watches a group of students weighing apples and writing out measurement problems on the chalkboard.