"Development of blow-fly (Calliphora erythrocephala). (A) shows the adult larva maggot. h., the large hooks connected with the maxillae; pl., pro-legs. (B) shows the pronymph removed from the pupa-case. l., rudiments of legs; w., wings." -Thomson, 1916

Blowfly Development

"Development of blow-fly (Calliphora erythrocephala). (A) shows the adult larva maggot. h., the large…

The maxilla (upper jaw bone).

The Maxilla

The maxilla (upper jaw bone).

"Mouth-parts of mosquito. a., Antennae; lxe., labrum and epipharynx; mn., mandibles; hp., hypopharynx; mx., first maxillae; li, labium; m.p., maxillary palps; cl., clypeus; cs., head scales." -Thomson, 1916

Mosquito Mouth Parts

"Mouth-parts of mosquito. a., Antennae; lxe., labrum and epipharynx; mn., mandibles; hp., hypopharynx;…

"A typical Thysanuran (Machilis maritima). Female, ventral view. Mx1, Mx2, 1st and 2nd maxillae. ii-x, Appendages on 2nd to 10th abdominal segments. The eversible sacs on the abdominal segments are shown, some protruded and some retracted. Ovp, Ovipositor. Mn, Mandible, and Mxl. maxillula, dissected out of head." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910


"A typical Thysanuran (Machilis maritima). Female, ventral view. Mx1, Mx2, 1st and 2nd maxillae. ii-x,…