"a, a chain of motile rodlets still growing and dividing (bacilli). b, a pair of bacilli actively growing…
"A chain of motile rodlets still growing and dividing (bacilli)." — The Encyclopedia Britannica,…
"A pair of bacilli actively growing and dividing." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910
"A rodlet in this condition (but divided into four segments) after treatment with alcoholic iodine solution."…
"Successive stages in the development of the spores." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910
"A rodlet segmented in four, each segment containing one ripe spore." — The Encyclopedia Britannica,…
"Early stages in the germination of the spores (after being dried several days)." — The Encyclopedia…
"Successive stages in the germination of the spore." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910