A single celled organism that is one of the building blocks of life.


A single celled organism that is one of the building blocks of life.

An amoeba expanding in size from cellular absorption.


An amoeba expanding in size from cellular absorption.

An amoeba multiplying by way of simple fission


An amoeba multiplying by way of simple fission

multiple amoebas


multiple amoebas

Flagellata is an order of Protozoa characterized by the presence of flagellae (whip-like structures used for locomotion). In many flagellate forms, chlorophyll is present. These forms have been regarded by botanists as minute algae. This illustration shows 3 flagellates: 1) Ceratium Tripos, 2) Noctiluca, and 3) Euglena.


Flagellata is an order of Protozoa characterized by the presence of flagellae (whip-like structures…