An illustration showing a model of a circle with intersecting chords that illustrates the following relationship: a:c = b:d, ad = bc. Product of the means equals the product of the extremes.

Model Of Geometric Proportions In A Circle

An illustration showing a model of a circle with intersecting chords that illustrates the following…

An illustration showing a model of a triangle that illustrates the following relationship: a:c = d:(b - d), d = (a × b) ÷ (c + a), v = v.

Model Of Geometric Proportions In A Triangle

An illustration showing a model of a triangle that illustrates the following relationship: a:c = d:(b…

An illustration showing a quadrilateral model that illustrates the following relationships: a:b = c:d, ad = bc, A = B. Product of the means equals the product of the extremes.

Model Of Geometric Proportions

An illustration showing a quadrilateral model that illustrates the following relationships: a:b = c:d,…

An illustration showing a model that illustrates the following relationships: a:b = c:d, ad = bc. Product of the means equals the product of the extremes.

Model Of Geometric Proportions

An illustration showing a model that illustrates the following relationships: a:b = c:d, ad = bc. Product…

An illustration showing a model that illustrates the following relationships: a:b = c:b, ab = c², c = √ab.

Model Of Geometric Proportions

An illustration showing a model that illustrates the following relationships: a:b = c:b, ab = c²,…

An illustration showing a model that illustrates the following relationship: A:B = a:b.

Model Of Geometric Proportions

An illustration showing a model that illustrates the following relationship: A:B = a:b.

An illustration showing a model that illustrates the following relationships: a:x = x:a - x, x = √(a&sup2 + (a/2)&sup2 - a/2).

Model Of Geometric Proportions

An illustration showing a model that illustrates the following relationships: a:x = x:a - x, x = √(a²…

An illustration showing a model of 2 circles with tangent lines, diameters, and radii that illustrates the following geometric relationship: "x = aR/(R - r), a = √(t&sup2 + (R - r)&sup2), t = √(a&sup2 - (R - r)&sup2, sin.v = t/a."

Model Of Geometric Relationships In 2 Circles

An illustration showing a model of 2 circles with tangent lines, diameters, and radii that illustrates…

An illustration showing a model of 2 circles with tangent lines, diameters, and radii that illustrates the following geometric relationship: " t = √(a&sup2 - (R + r)&sup2, a = √(t&sup2 - (R + r)&sup2 "

Model Of Geometric Relationships In 2 Circles

An illustration showing a model of 2 circles with tangent lines, diameters, and radii that illustrates…

An illustration showing a model of a circle with an exterior angle formed between a tangent and a secant that illustrates the following geometric relationship: a:t = t:b, t&sup2 = ab

Model Of Geometric Relationships In A Circle

An illustration showing a model of a circle with an exterior angle formed between a tangent and a secant…

An illustration showing a model of a circle with angles formed between tangents and secants that illustrates the following geometric relationship: t&sup2 = (a + b)(a - b).

Model Of Geometric Relationships In A Circle

An illustration showing a model of a circle with angles formed between tangents and secants that illustrates…