An illustration of the formation of the CCyclospora Cayetanensis spermatozooids

Formation of Cyclospora Cayetanensis Spermatozooids

An illustration of the formation of the CCyclospora Cayetanensis spermatozooids

An illustration of the fertilization of the egg by the spermatozooids of a Cyclospora Cayetanensis.

Fertilization of Cyclospora Cayetanensis

An illustration of the fertilization of the egg by the spermatozooids of a Cyclospora Cayetanensis.

An illustration of the fusion of egg and sperm-nuclei of a Cyclospora Cayetanensis.

Fusion of Egg and Sperm-nuclei of Cyclospora Cayetanensis

An illustration of the fusion of egg and sperm-nuclei of a Cyclospora Cayetanensis.