The Mulberry contains masses of simple fruits belonging to different flowers, compacted together,(Gray,…
A genus of trees native to tropical and temperate climates, and extensively cultivated on account of…
Illustrated is a method of mulberry grafting: (a) the cion, (b) matrix to receive the cion, (c) the…
Illustrated are the leaves of morus alba (b) and morus multicaulis (a). Both are varieties of mulberry.
The leaves of the native red mulberry are very large. The fruit is deep red or almost black when fully…
Russian mulberry is the common name of morus alba tatarica. It is low growing and very bushy topped.…
White mulberry is the common name of morus alba. The fruit is white or violet and very sweet.
White mulberry is the common name of morus alba. The leaves are light green, small, and smooth. The…