"Oral surface of a male (A) and female (B) Nautilus pompilius in an expanded state. a, shell; b, external annular lobe carrying 19 tentacles on each side, and anteriorly enlarged to form the hood; c, right and left inner lobes, each carrying 12 tentacles in the female, and divided in the male into two parts; d, posterior inner lobe; e, oral cone; f, tentacles of the outer annular lobe projecting from their sheaths; g, two anterior tentacles of this lobe belonging to the hood; i, superior, k, inferior, ophthalmic tentacle; l, eye; n, lamellated organ on the posterior inner lobe of the female; o, funnel; p, spadix; q, antispadix." -Parker, 1900

Nautilus Oral Surface

"Oral surface of a male (A) and female (B) Nautilus pompilius in an expanded state. a, shell; b, external…

"Section of the shell of Nautilus pompilius, showing the septa (s, s), the septal necks (s. n., s. n.), the siphuncle (si, represented by dotted lines), and the large body-chamber (ch)." -Parker, 1900

Chambered Nautilus

"Section of the shell of Nautilus pompilius, showing the septa (s, s), the septal necks (s. n., s. n.),…

The Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus Pompilius) is the only living representative of a unique form of cephalopod, recorded in fossils for over 500 million years. The shell, pearly and beautifully colored, is spirally formed and consists of a series of chambers separated by curved cross plates thus exemplifies the "chambered shell". The nautilus is a bottom feeder on Crustaceans, usually in deep water.

Pearly Nautilus

The Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus Pompilius) is the only living representative of a unique form of cephalopod,…