"Pitcher of Nepenthes distillatoria. A, honey-gland from attractive surface of lid; B, digestive gland…
Nepenthes is known as the pitcher plant. The distillatoria variety has bright, light green leaves. Pitchers…
Pitcher plant is the common name of nepenthes. The madagascariensis variety has a crimson pitcher. The…
The common name of nepenthes is pitcher plant. The northiana variety has purple spotted pitchers. The…
Pictured are the habit, detached portion of inflorescence, and pitcher of the phyllamphora variety of…
Illustrated is a good method of propagating nepenthes. The cutting is placed in an inverted pot. In…
The flowers of nepenthes rafflesiana are yellow and brown. The pitchers are greenish yellow with brown…
Nepenthes veitchii is a type of pitcher plant notable for its wide rim. It is the parent of many hybrids.
Pictured are five distinct types of nepenthes, or pitcher plants. From top to bottom: N. villosa, N.…
Pictured are three old time nepenthes, or pitcher plants. From top to bottom: N. phyllamphora, N. khasiana,…
Illustrated is an example of how pitcher plants change their shape. The earliest, and best, are mug…
"Morphology of Pitchers. A, ordinary leaf of Cephalotus; B, monstrous leaf with spoon-shaped depression;…
The orders pictured are sarraceniaceae, nepenthaceae, and droseraceae. The flowers of these orders that…