This diagram shows the longitudinal section of the anterior end of the annelid. A, sagittal section; B, frontal section to show anterior portion of nervous system. b, brain; co., nervous collar about the mouth; c.v., contractile blood vessels; d, dissepiment; d.m., dermo-muscular wall; d.v., dorsal blood vessel; m, mouth; n.c., nerve cells; n.f., nerve fibers; np., nephridia; p, prostomium; ph., pharynx; s, setae; sn., segmental nerves; v.g, ventral chain of fanglia; v.v., ventral blood vessel. Only a portion of the blood vascular system is shown, and this appears unsectioned in the figure.


This diagram shows the longitudinal section of the anterior end of the annelid. A, sagittal section;…

"A nephridium of leech. F., Internal terminal funnel; C., glandular coil covered with blood vessels; V., external terminal vesicle." -Thomson, 1916

Leech Nephridium

"A nephridium of leech. F., Internal terminal funnel; C., glandular coil covered with blood vessels;…