A circle divided into ninths.

Fraction Pie Divided into Ninths

A circle divided into ninths.

A circle divided into ninths with one ninth separated.

Fraction Pie Divided into Ninths

A circle divided into ninths with one ninth separated.

A circle divided into ninths with one ninth shaded.

Fraction Pie Divided into Ninths

A circle divided into ninths with one ninth shaded.

A circle divided into ninths with two ninths shaded.

Fraction Pie Divided into Ninths

A circle divided into ninths with two ninths shaded.

A circle divided into ninths with three ninths shaded.

Fraction Pie Divided into Ninths

A circle divided into ninths with three ninths shaded.

A circle divided into ninths with four ninths shaded.

Fraction Pie Divided into Ninths

A circle divided into ninths with four ninths shaded.

A circle divided into ninths with five ninths shaded.

Fraction Pie Divided into Ninths

A circle divided into ninths with five ninths shaded.

A circle divided into ninths with six ninths shaded.

Fraction Pie Divided into Ninths

A circle divided into ninths with six ninths shaded.

A circle divided into ninths with seven ninths shaded.

Fraction Pie Divided into Ninths

A circle divided into ninths with seven ninths shaded.

A circle divided into ninths with eight ninths shaded.

Fraction Pie Divided into Ninths

A circle divided into ninths with eight ninths shaded.

Eight ninths of a circle.

Eight Ninths of a Fraction Pie

Eight ninths of a circle.

Five ninths of a circle.

Five Ninths of a Fraction Pie

Five ninths of a circle.

Four ninths of a circle.

Four Ninths of a Fraction Pie

Four ninths of a circle.

One ninth of a circle.

One Ninth of a Fraction Pie

One ninth of a circle.

Seven ninths of a circle.

Seven Ninths of a Fraction Pie

Seven ninths of a circle.

Six ninths of a circle.

Six Ninths of a Fraction Pie

Six ninths of a circle.

Three ninths of a circle.

Three Ninths of a Fraction Pie

Three ninths of a circle.

Two ninths of a circle.

Two Ninths of a Fraction Pie

Two ninths of a circle.

The heraldic charge borne by the ninth eldest son in a family.

The Double Quatrefoil

The heraldic charge borne by the ninth eldest son in a family.