"Condensing Octant.—The central fixed apparatus bb with spherical mirror dd throws its rays directly over the angle of 45 degrees pgp, while the supplemental rays fall upon the straight condensing prisms p, each of which spreads the incident rays parallel to the corresponding rays in the central angle pgp. In this way the whole of the front hemisphere of rays is parallelized in the vertical plane and spread equally over the 45 degree in azimuth." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Condensing Octant

"Condensing Octant.—The central fixed apparatus bb with spherical mirror dd throws its rays directly…

"Condensing Octant.—The central fixed apparatus bb with spherical mirror dd throws its rays directly over the angle of 45 degrees pgp, while the supplemental rays fall upon the straight condensing prisms p, each of which spreads the incident rays parallel to the corresponding rays in the central angle pgp. In this way the whole of the front hemisphere of rays is parallelized in the vertical plane and spread equally over the 45 degree in azimuth." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Condensing Octant

"Condensing Octant.—The central fixed apparatus bb with spherical mirror dd throws its rays directly…

Crystal; If the alternate planes of the hexoctahedron extend until the intersect, a new for will result. This form, the Pentagonal Icositetrahedron, is bounded by twenty-four similar but unsymmetrical sides. Naumann's symbol for this form is (m0n/2)r, y{lkh}; Miller's is (m0n/2)l, y{klh}; h>k>l. This form is known as 'left-handed' because it contains the left, top plane of the front, upper octant.

Lef-Handed Pentagonal Icositetrahedron

Crystal; If the alternate planes of the hexoctahedron extend until the intersect, a new for will result.…

the octant of the wave surface cuts each coordinate plane in a circle and an ellipse.

Octant of Wave Surface

the octant of the wave surface cuts each coordinate plane in a circle and an ellipse.