"Nasal Cavities, seen from Below. The sense of smell is located in the membrane which lines the cavities of the nose. This delicate membrane, over which the fibers of the olfactory nerves, or the nerves of smell, are distributed, is kept continually mois by the mucus which it secretes." — Blaisedell, 1904

Nasal cavities

"Nasal Cavities, seen from Below. The sense of smell is located in the membrane which lines the cavities…

Cells from the olfactory epithelium. Labels: 1, from the frog. 2, from the man; a, columnar cell, with its branched deep process; b, so-called olfactory cell; c, its narrow outer process; d, its slender central process. 3, gray nerve fibers of the olfactory nerve, seen dividing into fine peripheral branches at a.

Olfactory Epithelium

Cells from the olfactory epithelium. Labels: 1, from the frog. 2, from the man; a, columnar cell, with…