The label of a Jacksonville packaging company.

Packaging company label

The label of a Jacksonville packaging company.

Two section through the junction between the cord and medulla of the Orang. A is at a slightly lower level than B.

Section Through the Junction of the Medulla and Cord of the Orang

Two section through the junction between the cord and medulla of the Orang. A is at a slightly lower…

The name of an anthropoid ape, signifying "man of the woods," and native to Sumatra, Borneo, and Malacca. There is but one species of this class of apes.


The name of an anthropoid ape, signifying "man of the woods," and native to Sumatra, Borneo, and Malacca.…

"The side view of the skull of an adult Orang" — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Orangutang Skull

"The side view of the skull of an adult Orang" — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893