A type of orchid, the aerides crispum flower is white spread with a purplish rose color. The flower…
The flowers of aerides odoratum are creamy white with pink tips. The leaves are dark green with an abrupt…
The flowers of ancectochilus friderici-augusti are usually small and unattractive. The leaves are two…
Pictured are the orders of Cannaceae, Marantaceae, and Orchidaceae. Illustrated are various flowers…
"Megaclinium Bufo; 1. a portion of a spike magnified; 2. flowers in various positions, more magnified."…
"2. Cycnoches ventricosum; 4 and 5. C. Egertonianum (Swan Orchid); the others intermediate forms." -Lindley,…
A class of herbaceous plants or shrubs, including about 2,000 species, and generally distributed throughout…