"Orthohombric. Usually in tabular diamond-shaped crystals, formed by a short prism terminated by low brachydomes. The brachydomes are usually striated parallel to the brachy-axis. Twinned at times, giving stellate groups; the different individuals of the twin groups being distinguished from each other by the direction of the striations upon them." — Ford, 1912


"Orthohombric. Usually in tabular diamond-shaped crystals, formed by a short prism terminated by low…

"Orthohombric. Crystals usually short prismatic to tabular. Sometimes quite complex with many prism, pyramid and dome faces. Frequently twinned, giving tabular crystals with recurring reentrant angles in the prism zone." — Ford, 1912


"Orthohombric. Crystals usually short prismatic to tabular. Sometimes quite complex with many prism,…