About two feet in length of a heavy and clumsy shape, short legs, and short thick tail. Its fur is commonly a grizled gray.

European Badger

About two feet in length of a heavy and clumsy shape, short legs, and short thick tail. Its fur is commonly…

The foot of an otter, which is serviceable in and out of the water.

Otter Foot

The foot of an otter, which is serviceable in and out of the water.

This water fountain is made out of cast iron. It has a design of a crocodile holding a fish in his mouth, beneath it is an otter and tortoise. The amphibious animals are surrounded by water lilies.

Water Fountain

This water fountain is made out of cast iron. It has a design of a crocodile holding a fish in his mouth,…

A type of weasel. Partially web footed, with soft, thick fur like an otter.


A type of weasel. Partially web footed, with soft, thick fur like an otter.

A class of carnivorous mammals of the weasel family, which includes about twenty species that vary greatly in size. The common otter measures a little over two feet from nose to tail. It has a tail about fifteen inches long, soft fr of a brownish color, webbed feet adapted for swimming, and weighs about twenty pounds. Otters are found along the shores and streams and lakes, where they construct holes and channels through the ground, and subsist by feeding on fish, small birds, frogs, and other aquatic animals.


A class of carnivorous mammals of the weasel family, which includes about twenty species that vary greatly…

Coasting otters.

Otters Coasting

Coasting otters.