Men and women reap the grain from a field in the 14th century. Two women are bent over using sickles to cut the grain. One man stands behind them, gathering the reaped grain. He has a sickle tucked in his belt. A second man oversees the scene with his hands on his hips. A bundle of grain sits in the background. The original image is pictured in an old psalter.

Reaping Grain the 14th Century

Men and women reap the grain from a field in the 14th century. Two women are bent over using sickles…

"Supposed portrait of one of the overseers of the work on the Great Pyramid. This is one of the masterpieces of Egyptian sculpture."—Myers, 1904

The Sheikh-El-Beled

"Supposed portrait of one of the overseers of the work on the Great Pyramid. This is one of the masterpieces…