"Restoration of Palaeotherium." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903


"Restoration of Palaeotherium." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

"The <em>Palaeotherium magnum</em> was of the size of a horse, but thicker and more clumsy; its head was massive, and its legs and tail were short. It resembled a large tapir, but differed somewhat as to the teeth, and had one toe less on the fore-feet. Its height was probably from four to five feet; about equal, it is said, to that of the rhinoceros of Java. It was, no doubt, furnished with a short proboscis or trunk." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844

Palaeotherium magnum

"The Palaeotherium magnum was of the size of a horse, but thicker and more clumsy; its head…

"The <em>Palaeotherium minus</em> was smaller in size compared to the <em>Palaeotherium magnum</em>, probably not larger than a roe-buck, and of similar form to the tapir. It had light and slender limbs." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844

Palaeotherium minus

"The Palaeotherium minus was smaller in size compared to the Palaeotherium magnum,…