The human flea (Pulex irritans) is a parasitic insect that actually has several hosts despite its name.

Human Flea

The human flea (Pulex irritans) is a parasitic insect that actually has several hosts despite its name.

Most mites live as external parasites sucking the blood of their host..


Most mites live as external parasites sucking the blood of their host..

The red scale of California is a parasitic insect that sucks sap from the plant it lives on.


The red scale of California is a parasitic insect that sucks sap from the plant it lives on.

An adult female scale


An adult female scale

The adult female scale forms a wax covering under which she remains.


The adult female scale forms a wax covering under which she remains.

The larvae of a scale


The larvae of a scale

An adult male scale


An adult male scale

Scelio is a genus of parasitic insects of the Proctotrypidae family. "Scelio famelicus. a, female; b, her antenna." -Whitney, 1911


Scelio is a genus of parasitic insects of the Proctotrypidae family. "Scelio famelicus. a, female; b,…

Illustrated is a tomato worm attacked by a parasitic insect.

Tomato Worm

Illustrated is a tomato worm attacked by a parasitic insect.