"Entosternum of one of the mygalomorphous spiders; ventral surface. Ph.N., pharyngeal notch. The posterior median process with its repetition of triangular segments closely resembles the same process in Limulus." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910


"Entosternum of one of the mygalomorphous spiders; ventral surface. Ph.N., pharyngeal notch. The posterior…

"Dorsal surface of an entosternum. Ph.N., pharyngeal notch." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910


"Dorsal surface of an entosternum. Ph.N., pharyngeal notch." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

"1, primitive carotid artery dividing itself into carotid external and carotid internal; 3, occipital branch to the back part of the skull; 4, upper hyoides artery; 5, lower pharyngeal artery; 6, masseter artery; 7, submental artery; 8, lower coronary artery; 9, upper coronary artery; 10, deep branch; 11, back cervical artery; 12, continuation and fold of the occipital; 13, descending branch for muscles of the neck; 14, posterior auricular; 15, temporal artery; 16, pariental branches; 17, frontal branches." — Richardson, 1906

Facial Arteries

"1, primitive carotid artery dividing itself into carotid external and carotid internal; 3, occipital…

The larynx viewed from its pharyngeal opening. The back wall of the pharynx has been divided and its edges (11) turned aside. Labels: 1, body of hyoid; 2, its small, and 3, its great, horns; 4, upper and lower horns of thyroid cartilage; 5, mucous membrane of front of pharynx, covering the back of the cricoid cartilage; 6, upper end of gullet; 7, windpipe, lying in front of the gullet; 8, eminence caused by cartilage of Santorini; 9, eminence caused by cartilage of Wrisberg -- both lie in, 10, the aryteno-epiglottidean fold of mucous membrane, surrounding the opening (aditus laryngis) from pharynx to larynx; a, projecting tip of epiglottis; c, the glottis -- the lines leading from the letter point to the free vibrating edges of the vocal cords; b' the ventricles of the larynx -- their upper edges, marking them off from the eminences b, are the false vocal cords.


The larynx viewed from its pharyngeal opening. The back wall of the pharynx has been divided and its…