"The trilobite's general form is shown in the annexed figure of the <em>Calymene Blumenbachii</em>; they possessed well-formed, compound, faceted eyes, which are frequently well-preserved in the fossil state. The body is usually divided into three regions, of which the first and last are commonly in the form of the semicircular plates, while the middle portion exhibits distinct segmentation, and by its flexibilty enabled the animal to double itself up in the manner of the common wood-louse." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"The trilobite's general form is shown in the annexed figure of the Calymene Blumenbachii;…

Estheria californica is a species of Branchiopod crustaceans most closely resembling the shrimp.


Estheria californica is a species of Branchiopod crustaceans most closely resembling the shrimp.