The harmonium is a free standing keyboard instrument, similar to a reed organ or a pipe organ.
Enriches the piano with special effects, but necessarily deprives the player of the use of the ordinary…
In many minds making a piano is an art form. The construction is a slow process, and cannot well be…
(1756-1791) German composer of the Classical era. Some of his most famous works are The Marriage of…
A musical instrument with a manual keyboard actuating hammers that strike wire strings, producing sounds…
A musical instrument, consisting of a series of wires of graduated length, thickness and tension, struck…
This piano is made to serve as a table when closed. It is designed with two figures of reptiles at the…
The piano is a musical instrument which is played by means of a keyboard. Widely used in Western music…
A piano having the strings mounted vertically in a rectangular case with the keyboard at a right angle…
The polishing room is where the Rosemen veneers-the tops and sides of the piano. Two men on each side…