Six sevenths of a circle.
Six tenths of a circle.
Six twelfths of a circle.
Ten elevenths of a circle.
Ten twelfths of a circle.
Three eighths of a circle.
Three elevenths of a circle.
Three fifths of a circle.
Three ninths of a circle.
Three quarters of a circle.
A circle subdivided into three quarters and two eighths.
Three sevenths of a circle.
Three sixths of a circle.
A circle subdivided into three sixths and one half.
Three tenths of a circle.
Three twelfths of a circle.
Two eighths of a circle.
Two elevenths of a circle.
Two fifths of a circle.
A circle divided in half vertically.
A circle divided in half horizontally.
A circle divided in half vertically separated.
A circle divided in half horizontally separated.
Two ninths of a circle.
Two quarters of a circle.
A circle subdivided into two quarters and one half.
Two sevenths of a circle.
Two sixths of a circle.
Two tenths of a circle.
Two thirds of a circle.
A circle subdivided into two thirds and two sixths.
Two twelfths of a circle.
A whole circle.
Native to New Guinea, the pie of paradise is renowned for its brilliant plumage.
An illustration of a pirate sitting on a barrel eating a slice of pie.
Simple Simon met a pie-man going to the fair.