First stage in plant cell division: Protophase 1; "Resting cell ready to begin division." -Stevens,…
Second stage in plant cell division: Protophase 2; "the nuclear reticulum is assuming the form of a…
Third stage in plant cell division: Protophase 3; "The nuclear thread has divided longitudinally throughout…
Fourth stage in plant cell division: Protophase 4; "The nuclear membrane and the nucleolus have disappeared,…
Fifth stage in plant cell division: Metaphase; "The metaphase, where the longitudinal halves of the…
Sixth stage in plant cell division: Anaphase; "The anaphase, or movement of the chromosomes toward the…
Seventh stage in plant cell division: Telophase; "Telophase where the chromosomes have begun to spin…
Eighth stage in plant cell division: "The connecting fibers have spread out and come into contact with…
Ninth and final stage in plant cell division: "A nuclear membrane has been formed about each daughter…