"Brachionus rubens. A, from the dorsal aspect; B, from the right side. a, anus; br, brain; d. f. dorsal feeler; c. gl, cement gland; cl, cloaca; c. l, ciliary lobes; c. v, contractile vesicle; e, eye-spot; int, intestine; lr, lorica; l. f, lateral feeler; m, muscular bands; nph, nephridial tubes; ov, ovary; ph, pharynx; st, stomach; t, tail; tr, d, trochal disc; vt, vitellarium." -Parker, 1900

Brachionus Rubens

"Brachionus rubens. A, from the dorsal aspect; B, from the right side. a, anus; br, brain; d. f. dorsal…

A small group of fairly uniform animals which live among Rotifers and Protozoa at the bottom of ponds and marshes.


A small group of fairly uniform animals which live among Rotifers and Protozoa at the bottom of ponds…