A stout plant with grey scales. The fronds range between 1 and 2 feet, and approximately 1 foot in width.…
An oak fern with slender leaves that are generally between 6 and 10 inches. They are commonly found…
A younger version of Polypodium tenellum. It is woody and wide-creeping when young.
A stout fern with light brown scales. The fronds of this fern range between 3 and 6 feet in length,…
A stout fern with brown scales. Fronds range between 1 foot and 3 feet in length, and 1 inch in width.
A wide-creeping fern with squarrose scales. Fertile fronds are narrow and long, whereas the barren ones…
A woody fern with numerous branches and dark brown, squarrose scales. They are commonly found in New…
A wide-creeping fern with reddish-brown scales. The fronds of this fern are approximately 2 feet in…
A slender wide-creeping fern with grey and/or reddish-brown scales. They are commonly found between…