"The superficial veins in front of the elbow-joint. B', tendon of biceps muscle; Bi, brachialis internus muscle; Pt, pronator teres muscle; 1, median nerve; 2, 3, 4, nerve-branches to the skin; B, brachial artery, with its small accompanying veins; cep, cephalic vein; bas, basilic vein; m', median vein; *, junction of a deep-lying vein with the cephalic." —Martin, 1917


"The superficial veins in front of the elbow-joint. B', tendon of biceps muscle; Bi, brachialis internus…

Outer layer of muscles on the front of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor cubiti; 2, brachialis internus; 3, triceps; 4, pronator radii teres; 5, flexor carpi radialis; 6, palmaris longus; 7, flexor sublimus digitorum; 8, flexor carpi ulnaris; 9, palmar fascia; 0, palmaris brevis muscle; 11, abductor pollicis manur; 12, flexor brevis pollicis manus; 13, supinator longus; 14, extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis.

Muscles of the Forearm

Outer layer of muscles on the front of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor cubiti; 2, brachialis internus;…

Forms of muscles and tendons. Labels: A, adductor of thigh; B, biceps of arm; D, deltoid, G, gastrocnemius; P', pronator of forearm; P", pectoral; R, rectus abdominis; R", rectus muscle of thigh; S', serratus magnus of thorax; S", semi-membranosus of thigh.

Forms of Muscles and Tendons

Forms of muscles and tendons. Labels: A, adductor of thigh; B, biceps of arm; D, deltoid, G, gastrocnemius;…